Association Connect

Animals Aid Us Amid a Crisis

By Rachel Markey | May 8, 2020

Our pets provide consistency and companionship in the cutest form. In normal circumstances, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists some of the health benefits of having a pet as:

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decreased cholesterol levels
  • Decreased triglyceride levels
  • Decreased feelings of loneliness
  • Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities
  • Increased opportunities for socialization

In a time as unusual as this, pets are a godsend. Because many of us share a special relationship with our pets, YGS decided to celebrate National Pet Week, taking place May 3–9 this year, and we’re excited to share our furry friends with you:

Megan and Chunk keeping active
Stella grinning from ear to ear as Kim returns from the workday
Barky begging Rob to share some coffee
Emma warning Emmanuel all work and no play makes his dog a dull girl
Zoey Snoop Dog listening to a YGS Town Hall meeting with Liz
Murphy offering a helping paw as Dave processes invoices
Blue chasing the cursor arrow as Sheila oversees payroll and benefits
Shug and Dahlia keeping cozy while warming Casey’s heart
Ike reminding Robin to take a break
Oscar showing Michelle how social distancing works with four legs
Winnie sitting pretty as she oversees Rachel R. managing sales and marketing
Dave and Maya getting in a cuddle as they get things done
Dorian striking a pose so Cindi can reflect on beauty
Samson advising Rebecca it’s all in the eyes when video conferencing
Dame spreading cheer as she visits the office
Sheldon and Tucker championing Chris’ prepress prowess
Zack and Buster exemplifying teamwork (and splitting commission 60/40 in Buster’s favor)
Brooklyn showing he’s ready for Craig to go back to the office
Riggs ensuring Rachel M. and family take time to enjoy the outdoors
Miska curled up on her favorite blanket while she keeps an eye on Yvonne working at home
Willy and Winny offering Jennifer double the comfort and companionship
Charlie offering Stephen an out-of-the-box perspective
Tucker enjoying the plush life as Jess takes care of business
Scooter implying it’s time for Charity to sign off
Jackson showing Serena how good it feels to crawl into bed (almost completely) at the end of a long day

Some of our pets are relishing more time with us as we work from home, while others are providing ineffable comfort as we walk through the door at the end of a workday in a weird world. This may be an uncertain time, but the human-animal bond perseveres!

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