Association Connect

Showing Next-Gen Members the Value of Your Association

By Craig Lauer | June 22, 2020

According to a membership benchmarking study, Gen Zers and millennials say there’s value in joining associations. This exciting news could also be profitable—but only if you employ a communications strategy customized to connect with younger generations. Because recruiting and retaining younger members is paramount to your association’s revenue and relevancy, we’re highlighing three recommendations to reach this crowd.

Show Them Your Value

Extending a free membership trial to younger people, including all or some of the benefits, will demonstrate your commitment to helping them achieve their professional goals. Marketing General’s 2018 Membership Marketing Benchmark Report revealed 23% of associations reported members found lack of value. So be sure to evidence your association’s agility and members’ ability to be involved in different ways throughout their careers during this free trial. Doing so will allow new members to see opportunities you currently offer and those you could offer them next.

Promote and Support Social Responsibility

Millennials are more likely than other generations to research the issues an organization supports and the extent to which the organization contributes. 61% are worried about the state of the world and feel personally responsible to help make a difference. Showcasing how your association benefits communities and the world at large will attract younger prospects, and providing volunteer opportunities for members will help retain them. Consider presenting an additional incentive to join or renew membership by donating a percentage of your membership fees to a charity.

Go Where the Young Professionals Are

Meet younger audiences where they are by promoting your association through educational outlets. Check your association’s database to see if any college professors are or were members. If so, you can encourage them to mention your association and the importance of association membership in relevant classes. They might also offer firsthand accounts of their experiences to students, which are priceless due to their authenticity.

Employing efforts to grow a younger membership could help your association evolve in many ways and ensure your stability and sustainability. These are just a few of many ways your association can appeal to younger members.

Have a favorite of your own? Let us know by emailing [email protected].

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