Why a Reflowable Layout for Your Digital Pub Just Makes More Sense
A reflowable format offers greater flexibility and a stronger reading experience on any device, reinforcing the value of your publication to both members and advertisers.
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A reflowable format offers greater flexibility and a stronger reading experience on any device, reinforcing the value of your publication to both members and advertisers.
Creating unique member experiences is essential for ensuring ongoing retention and growth.
YGS Association Solutions’ new automated ad collection system leaves the guesswork in the past.
With well over 25 years of experience in the print world, Mark has seen a whole revolution of predigital printing.
Let’s face it, we live in a digital world, and that has spoiled us when it comes to personalized options. That’s exactly what keeps YGS busy 24/7.
During the five-day Thanksgiving weekend, our print operations run like any other week. Learn how we move projects to production while you’re at home eating turkey.
“Print is dying.” That’s something we’ve been getting used to hearing alongside the proliferation of digital information retrieval. But print isn’t dying; it’s adapting.
As you’re contemplating the use of print—not as a one or the other solution, but as an ingredient in a strategically directed content plan—let’s look at a few facts.
Branding and marketing successfully for business can be a large task, and the YGS Group’s Specialty Graphics production department takes that literally.