American Bus Association
With YGS’ help, ABA underwent a digital overhaul, focusing on their primary website and introducing a separate news center to enhance industry insights and association thought leadership.
What are you interested in learning about?
When YGS Association Solutions was awarded the business of rearchitecting and redesigning NAESP’s Principal magazine, an award-winning publication for K–8 principals, we saw a unique opportunity. In cooperation with key players at the association, YGS developed a brand-new section of the magazine titled “APs Rising”—a recurring column specifically geared toward assistant principals. We took that novel idea a step further when we introduced the APs Rising enewsletter, a digital supplement to Principal magazine through which more original and engaging content for assistant principals—including video—could be explored by NAESP members.
I absolutely love it. … It has a clean look and feel. It did not feel like information overload and it was not busy. I played the video over and over like a kid— loved it—loved the articles and the focus on literacy (my favorite topic). Nice job! It gets better and better.
An Assistant Principal
When developing new content, we consider how it fits within an overarching member communication program.
With YGS’ help, ABA underwent a digital overhaul, focusing on their primary website and introducing a separate news center to enhance industry insights and association thought leadership.
A New Site for School Leaders
Transporting Content From Print to Digital